One of the most popular colored gemstones is amethyst . You will learn the meaning of this stone, its symbolism and the most important properties thanks to this article. Learn more about amethysts before choosing jewelry with this stone.
Amethyst - basic information
Amethyst is a stone that is valued for its beauty, but there are many other properties that make it unique. From a chemical point of view, amethyst is a variety of quartz and has the same chemical composition. Contains aluminum and iron oxide. The darkness or intensity of its purple color can vary from light to very deep, depending on the amount of iron present in it . Amethyst also comes in other colors - its crystals have been found in almost every shade of the rainbow. The most sought after shades are pink-purple, light lavender and rose.
Amethyst is a natural stone, so it will have some inclusions and cracks . Discolorations and inclusions are also normal and visible to the naked eye - they only prove the originality of the stone.
Amethyst is quite resistant to abrasion. Its hardness is 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale . This property can be used to recognize whether a stone is real. Just try scratching it with a steel knife. If it leaves a scratch, it definitely wasn't amethyst.
Most amethysts are found in Brazil . There are also large deposits in Canada, India, Bolivia, the USA, Russia, China and Japan. In Poland, amethyst can be found near Szklarska Poręba.

The most famous amethysts in the world are a stone exhibited in the British Museum in London, weighing 343 carats, and a stone in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., weighing 1,362 carats . In the Vatican treasury there is a papal ring with an impressive amethyst.
Amethyst - symbolic meaning
The name amethystos in Greek means "not drunk" - the ancient Greeks believed that this gem protects against getting drunk. This is why amethysts were placed on cups and taken with them to feasts.
Legend has it that Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring. This is why in the Middle Ages , amethyst was associated with true, deep love . Over time, rulers and nobility took a liking to it due to its color. Ladies liked to wear earrings with amethyst gemstones . Larger stones decorated the scepters of Catherine the Great and British kings. The church's nobility also eagerly used it. Popes, abbots and prelates often wore crosses with an amethyst on them. The meaning of the stone was thus associated with power and noble birth .
Amethysts were also popular in eastern cultural circles. In Tibet , necklaces with amethyst gemstones have been created for centuries for prayers (mala - the equivalent of a rosary). They were supposed to help clear the mind before meditating.
Amethyst stone - mystical meaning
Many people believe that amethyst can be used to support spiritual development and a way to enhance intuition and creativity . It is also intended to cleanse the space, creating a protective bubble around the holder in a room, house or car. Therefore , it is worth placing it in the sick person's room to support the healing process .
For those who believe in the mystical meaning of the stones, amethyst connects to the Crown and Third Eye Chakras . It facilitates entering a state of meditation and connecting the mind with the Higher Self.
How does wearing amethyst jewelry affect your health?
Amethyst has been used in jewelry for centuries - mainly because of its durability and unusual color. It is a decoration that can last for years. Today, amethyst jewelry is popular mainly due to its properties. People who believe in the beneficial effects of gemstones on humans claim that amethyst has a calming effect and helps with insomnia, anxiety and depression .
Wearing amethyst close to the body is supposed to lead to greater self-control, reduce the influence of emotions on decisions and balance moods . It is also said that amethysts help with concentration and focus, and also improve memory. Therefore, it is a good stone for all those who work mentally .
Amethysts help with sleep problems: insomnia, night awakenings . They improve the quality of sleep and make the person who wears them (or keeps an amethyst under the pillow) wake up more rested.
Wearing amethyst also supports many organs : it facilitates the proper functioning of the heart and lungs, helps regulate blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis, and relieves headaches.
What amethyst jewelry should you choose and who should you give it to?
Amethysts in the form of a necklace or bracelet are a traditional gift given on the 6th wedding anniversary . Regardless of the length of the relationship, you can give it as a gift to strengthen the feeling between two people - in accordance with its original symbolism. Amethysts also often decorate gemstone rings . Such a ring made of white or traditional gold, with a round amethyst surrounded by diamonds, will be perfect as an engagement ring . In turn, for people who would like to wear amethyst as an amulet, pendants with medium-sized stones are recommended.
What does amethyst jewelry given as a gift mean? First of all, sincere feeling and the desire to protect a loved one.
If you are looking for amethyst jewelry, online jewelry at Venetia Jewels will surely meet your needs.
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